Friday, April 26, 2013

Wishing the Days Would Move Faster

          Today was one of those days that I found myself saying, "I wish I was in Florida." While the majority of it was the fact that it was no warmer than 50 degrees at any point today walking around campus, and the other part was that I'm just so excited to work for Disney. Each time I say on tour that I am going to be interning at WDW in the fall, the parents mouths drop open and everyone is impressed. I hope I can live up to everyone's expectations. Not only has the stress of the semester gotten the better of me at this moment, but I am also at the point where I'm looking at the Seniors as disposable objects. For the most part, my "keep" pile is very large. There is always that small pile that you just want to get rid of as soon as possible. They are usually the people that suck a smile right off your face.

          This is why I try to surround myself with people that only make me smile. When I am with them, life seems to be standing still but still perfect. Those are the people I want to take to Florida with me.

          Tonight is Relay for Life and I will be in the gym with all my friends for twelve hours raising money for the American Cancer Society. It will be an exhausting day, but I am ready for it. I have lots of coffee ready to be made and lots of sugar ready to be eaten. I'll just think of it as a twelve hour work shift (which is what I have heard is common on the college program.)

          It's the start to a very fun weekend and I am very excited to be able to share it with all of my friends. I'm going to live it up like I'm a Senior and just have fun. I can sleep when the semester is over. This weekend is going to be worth all the time and effort put into it. I'll most likely sleep the day away on Sunday and watch Disney movies to become me again instead of an overtired zombies even get tired?

         Life as a college student is fun, but I think about life as a CP every day. The countdown continues...

121 Days till Check-In

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